Thursday, January 26, 2017

Table of Harmony by Tenaga National Berhad (TNB)

Recently I've watched a really creative, amazing and WOW video - Table of Harmony by Tenaga National Berhad (TNB) Malaysia!

Wondering how amazing is it? Lets have a watch!

Why I say it is so amazed to watch this video?

Firstly definitely the film effects, LOL! Nahh, I'm just kidding. Chinese New Year (CNY) is a reunion time with family, only ONCE in A YEAR. For me definitely it is the most precious time, as I'm working in Selangor. Other than that, we all should put aside all the differences and reunite as ONE!

In this video, it doesn't mean that dishes are the most important, but it is actually meant that the family members that willing to spend time, sit beside reunion dinner table, and makan together! NOTHING is more important than our family 😊😊😊

I know that each family have their own personalities from lot of aspects, and may be clashed during CNY, but because we're actually all are different from inside out! Differences actually give the occasion a unique flavour! Just like during CNY reunion dinner, we like all the dishes come in shapes, sizes, colors, and flavours!

When we work together with family, even just to cook reunion dinner together, there're not challenge that we can't overcome. One as one, many as a team 👍👍👍 For me, happiest time is to spend time together with family, and enjoy this precious moment ❤

Ohya, tell you smth interesting. You can unveil your own personality through your Mystery Dish! How? 3 easy steps only:
  1. Log on to 
  2. Click Watch Cooking Hustle and Click on Discover What Mystery You Are & Join The Table.
  3. Answer a simple question and unveil your your dish!
Yes, this dish - Waxed duck in sticky spot, describe quite well on my personality. 

I really wish to be a role model for everyone, and want to be a strong leadership of everyone (perhaps my own group only?). Be yourself and never forget what's your own dream, dream bigger and fight for it!

Let me know what's ur personality as well 😍😍😍

Nothing is more important than FAMILY!
Happy Chinese New Year to everyone of you!

More information:

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Markets 21 | The School by Jaya One

话说回来,其实厚,男友说我其实每次都有去这 The School by Jaya One 所举办的 Markets 21 Bazaar!每次都说怎么我那么健忘呢?谁叫我每天都忘这忘那的,是时候解压了,否则真的不认老都可不行了呢~来回顾当天的 Markets 21,每年都那么人山人海呢!

当天的活动就在 The School by Jaya One哦!

那么当天有很多档口哦!包括吃的,用的,穿的等等~ 一进门口有许多吃喝档口哦!

看到我男友吗?偷偷买香肠和鸡肉satay哦!对了是 pork free,所以各大种族都可以前来参观哦!我超喜欢它的 satay,没有焦焦的哦!

不过在这之前,你们知道什么是POP吗?Jaya One 的 POP 可以让大家一样可以从小小生意,夸大去店面的生意呢!最低每周只需 RM800 即可开始你的事业咯!也不必等到有 bazaar 活动才拍卖你的东西了~


除此之外,还有 Peanut Battle Jam Vol.7 舞蹈比赛哦!

第一名:The Hustlers
第二名:The Next Eclipse
第三名:Kenneth & Niesha

还有 Judge MT Pop from Vietname!

第一名:Jackson Boogie J X Joshua
第二名:Darren X Jordan


对了,有注册 Shopee 户口的朋友们可获得档口 20% 的折扣哦!还有好多东西你在外头看不到的呢,例如你可以 DIY 属于你的真皮皮夹,卡夹,首饰等等哦。还有很多 homemade 的果酱,健康的果汁和 snacks 哦!

Markets 21 在 The School by Jaya One,那么,Markets 22 你会出席吗?等你哦!


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Markets 21 | The School by Jaya One | Are You Ready?


那么新春佳节要到咯,你们新年所需要的东西都买了吗?还没购物的你们,那么今天让我来介绍来临的周末 - Markets 21,由 Jaya One 举办的哦!

那么,其实 Markets 21 呢,会有许多店面的朋友们会前来这活动摆设他们所卖的东西,然后给更多人知道他们的商品。不过,至于那些没有店面的朋友们怎么办呢?

别伤心,因为 Jaya One 的 POP 可以让大家一样可以从小小生意,夸大去店面的生意呢!最低每周只需 RM800 即可开始你的事业咯!也不必等到有 bazaar 活动才拍卖你的东西了~ 想知道更多吗?一定要前来 Markets 21,来了解更多呢~

Markets 21 呢,是全雪隆区最大的 bazaar,此活动让商家们售卖全新二手 ( Pre-Loved ) 商品,包括了衣服,手工艺品,食物等等。也有各式各样的活动例如游戏和表演,也即将为大家而准备哦!

对了,不忘了告诉大家,会有超过80家商家 参与这项活动哦,除了卖卖活动,也有 Buyer Vs Seller Challenge呢,可赢取礼券哦!就那么说定啦~ 我们到不见不散!



Markets 21
14 & 15 January 2017
11a.m. - 7p.m.
The School by Jaya One


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

[Review] PureSWISS HYDRAcalm Serum by CLINELLE

Okay, my menstrual cycle just END and finally my skin are RE-BORN! And recently I found one really nice serum (one of my very important skincare step*)!

Yes, it is  PureSWISS HYDRAcalm Serum by CLINELLE 💖💖💖

My skincare STEPS:
  1. Facial Cleanser
  2. Toner
  3. Serum
  4. Day Cream or Night Cream
So serum always my 3rd step of my skincare routine. 

For this serum, it is an intensive serum that boots skin's hydration & locks in the moisture which will give long lasting effect. Hence, your skin will become more plumped, moisturized and silky-soft!

It contain 3 X Hydracalm Action:
  • Bio-Calm Complex - It gives Skin Calming Action that helps to calm, restore and defend skin problem. Such as sensitive skin triggered by environmental aggression.
  • PureSwiss Termal Spring Water - Known as Hydra Booster that infuses hydration to maximize protection of the skin instantly.
  • Natural Phyto Hyluronic Acid - Locks in moisture for 72 hours, as well as restores unique water binding ability to replenish moisture for long lasting hydration.
So let see it's really give that superb effect not 😃 But first let me show u how to use first ya 😍
  • Just pump sufficient amount onto your palm, gently apply all over your face and neck, you can follow my skincare routine which shown above ya!

After 2nd step toner application, you will still feeling a bit dry. But after 3rd step serum application, you will feel your skin fully moisturized by this PureSwiss HydraCalm Serum! 

I'm actually having dry to oil, and sometimes sensitive skin, and surprisingly I'm not allergic to this serum 😉 Seriously very happy and I'm going to list this in my favorite skincare product now. For my skin care routine, I will apply it day and night!


For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes, and stop using it if sensitivity occurs!

For more information:
You can grab them at Guardian, Watsons, Caring or any pharmacy nearby you!

Monday, January 2, 2017

''16 Going On 17'' New Year Party 2017 at Citta Mall

元旦日 或 倒数日,你们都去哪里啦?

很多地方都有好多表演,抽奖,烟花等等哦!而你们都去了哪里倒数你们第一天的 2017 呢?当天除了有送出 3 部智慧手机,他们也有好多现场表演,包括了视觉听觉的享受呢!


有 DJ Kelvin Ong & DJ Caveman 一起表演 rock music 呢!

之后有 Saxophonist Keanu Loong , 他给予了大家非常动听的音乐~

对了,还有 Alvin Lee, 大马迷你版李荣浩呢!来,错过的朋友们可以透过这里听听他那美丽动人的歌声~

下一个是 X10SN Dance CrewX10SN Dance Crew, 觉得马来西亚的才子真的很多!

还有还有,另外一组的舞蹈者! Rejuvenate Dance Crew

他们也跟 Dina Nadzir 合作唱歌跳舞呢!

还有还有,马来西亚很有名的 youtuber - Shawn Lee


最后就是 An Honest Mistake 了!

最最最后,一起倒数 2017 年的到来,来张美丽的烟花表演!


大家 Happy New Year, Happy 2017!

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