Saturday, July 22, 2017

[Review] Acne Solution Series 抗痘系列 by Swissvita 瑞士微佳


今天呢,我会介绍大家最近很火红的 SWISSVITA 牌子!相信很多朋友都听说过了对不对?其实我一直都有在使用他们家的牌子,包括眼霜哦!

1. Paraben Free
2. MI Free
3. MCI Free


只要使用盖子前的尖头,按压以下封口,那么就打开啦~ 这么做肯定是要产品是有100%的保证,所以打开后,建议6个月以内使用完哦!


第一步骤:Swissvita Micrite 3D All Use Cleanser Cream

用途: 减少暗沉,保湿锁水,洁净保养

1. 按压一点点洗脸霜出来
2. 在手心搓出泡沫
3. 轻轻在脸上按摩几分钟
4. 可以用洁净机器来帮助更深层的洁净哦

第二步骤:Acne Solution Skin Balancing Toner 



1. 准备化妆棉
2. 打开里面的小盖子
3. 倒入适量的液体 (我会倒入50cents那么大的分量)
4. 最后轻轻拍打脸部肌肤直到完全吸收

第三步骤:Acne Solution Serum


1. 取出适量的成分
2. 用手心的温度去涂抹全脸,让液体更容易吸收哦!

好的,我本来都很爱 swissvita 的产品,这次刚好痘痘月,我的痘痘特别茂盛!天啊,幸好有 swissvita 的产品,否则真的变花猫了!

我很爱他们的的洗脸霜和 serum,男友比较喜欢洗脸霜和 toner,哈哈!洗脸霜洗后特别紧绷,很凉爽哦!还有toner的话呢,我觉得不错,只是没有很保湿,毕竟我那么老了,皮肤要很多很多保湿😂😂😂 Serum呢,我很爱,因为抹涂了皮肤针的有达到控油和紧缩毛孔功能!


暗沉减少了,还有痘痘减少了许多。痘痘多到不可收拾时都不敢更新 selfie 呢,现在几乎没有痘痘了呢。有痘痘真的自信大大减分!哈哈哈。女人啊,怎么那么难搞😂😂😂


Tuesday, July 4, 2017

[Review] Althea With Shyan Box - Let's Nail It

Wooo hooo! Okay, it's been quite a long time since my very last review on nail polish, but today I want to introduce all of you a total worth it NAIL BOX by Shyan!!

Total colours of 8 colors, here they're! ❤

Other than these nail polish colors, inside this amazing box also contain a lot of nice stuffs for nail! Lets check it out 😎😎😎

So here's the rest of the stuffs other than that 8 nail polishers ✌

Yes, all of them in this Althea Shyan Box!

So, colorful nail polish how you going to DIY it by yourself? Here got few reference from Althea, which I tried one of the, and it is so much easier with all the equipment they provided.

Yes, I like FRUITS so I tried the WATERMELON! And it is so so cute!
How to use?
  1. Fill your nails with base coat
  2. Fill with peel off, which the shape of you don't want other color to mix into it
  3. Apply your honey moon, and don't peel your peel off first
  4. After honey moon dried, then slowly peel off, then only apply the green leaf nail polish. Then lastly apply UV gel for the harder nail 👌

Then I did another nail design as well, which I mix and match honey moon with bouquet & simple nail sticker!

Besides, here's the stickers given by Althea Shyan Box!

Use your creativity to do your nail art, as in everyone's art is unique and the only in this world. BE CREATIVE HOHOHOHO 😂😂😂

I like their nail separator too! Sorry for my long toes LOL as everyone say look like fingers! 😌

Want to see how's all the color & texture look like? Here you go!

Overall, I think that Shyan nail polishers are very colorful, simple to apply & most importantly the SMELL not so strong like other nail polishers which always make me want dizzy & vomit.

It comes with very quality and soft brush, which is very easy to apply on your nails. Just 1 brush, and your nail will be full of polisher! So cool right 😎😎😎

Besides, the nail remover is a must to grab in ALTHEA! After remove all the nail colors, you won't feel your nail dried up at all & it is very easy to remove with cotton/tissue. Why la now I only met you 😂😂😂 It is super WORTH to get this Althea Shyan Box with only RM93 (total 21 items), and it is shipped all the way from Korea, super cheap!


More details:
Purchase - HERE

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