Monday, November 30, 2015

[Review] Vitamin B12 Cream Plus+ by SWISSBEL

Finally it's END of the year, getting hectic & busy with our works. Loads of work. It's been quite awhile I've not reviewing any skincare products (lots awaiting me to try on it!)

Yeah, so today I'm going to introduce you all - Vitamin B12 Cream Plus+ by SWISSBEL. It is clinically tested & gives a lot of benefits to your skin! Was searching quite a long time ago for cream that can reduce scars especially.

Such a cute and pretty decoration by SWISSBEL! It is made in Switzerland, clinically tested suitable for all type of skin. Other than that, it is fragrance free, paraben free, non-comedogenic and hypoallergenic tested.

Just can't wait to use it because also of a lot of good feedback from customers :D

Yes, I'm actually just finish 1 stick of it, and I can feel the different of it already!

But first, lets see what's the ACTIVE INGREDIENT by Vitamin B12 Cream Plus +.

  1. Vitamin B2
    • Regenerate and revitalized deeply, as well as skin glows with captivating radiance
  2. Rosa
    • Give skin's hydration and smoothen the skin from sensitivity and stress
  3. Squalane
    • Empower and repair skin moisture barrier
  4. Salicylic Acid (BHA)
    • Unclogs pores by eliminating dead cells, remove obstruction
  5. Hyaluronic Acid
    • Retaining up to 1,000 times its weight in H2O, which can be penetrates instantly into the skin for 24 hours. 
    • It's help to smoothen the out fine lines gradually
  6. Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin B3, Provitamin B5
    • Prevent aging skin

All of them definitely are every women' need! Included me. But first let me shows some BEFORE & AFTER application on my hand :D

The texture is milky and you won't feel too oily on your hand or face application. I can feel my dry skin getting better and shinier after application of Vitamin B12 Cream Plus + by SWISSBEL.
Now let's check out their BENEFIT & EFFECTIVENESS by Vitamin B12 Cream Plus +:
  1. Hydrates & moisturizes skin
  2. Smoothes old and new scars
  3. Reduce wrinkles and fine lines
  4. Tighten pores
  5. Reduces skin redness
  6. Uplifts and firms the skin and neck holds

Comment: After 1 week using for day and night skincare routine, my skin get slightly better especially my pores and scars! It's kinda work magically as now I don't really need foundation when I'm going out! BUT you must apply it everyday to let your skin shows the best result ya :D

BTW selfie also look significantly different! *taken yesterday*

Swissbel Official Website:
Swissbel Malaysia Facebook Fan Page:

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Tips for MY Healthy Diet Meals - 健康与均匀饮食的秘密



  • 暴食暴饮
  • 迟睡熬夜
  • 吃快餐,油腻,精致淀粉和加工食品
  • 少盐,少糖,戒味精
  • 喝酒,汽水,有糖份饮料
  • 可恶的零食和甜点
  • 等等。。

  • 早睡早起
  • 准备自己的早午晚餐
  • 均衡健康饮食
  • 适量运动,一天最少30分钟,一星期最少3-5次
  • 多多增加对健康饮食运动的知识
  • 培养开朗开心以及爱分享的心情
  • 坚持90天吃干净,因为90天后我即将把均衡饮食变成习惯
  • 等等。。





真的有点后悔年轻没好好照顾自己 (自己害死自己啊!)身体不好的我,偶尔吃吃马来西亚最出名的Char Kueh Tiaw和Bah Ku Teh,我隔天还会发烧生病呢,你说好笑不好笑。不怪得我的名字是-豆腐 哈哈!

那时还有一点肉肉的我,已经很努力的做运动可是不解为什么我还是那么容易生病 T.T 后来认识到一休,才知道我的饮食非常不均衡!每一餐都没有一下所例下的成分。


此刻我才明白,为什么我一直都得不到我要的健康,还有我梦寐以求的腹肌!嘻嘻 于是我便参与了90天,每餐尽量吃足这些,而且还要吃对食物哦!


那我就简介的说吧。早餐要吃像皇帝,午餐吃像平民,晚餐吃像乞丐!哈哈,可是现代的人却把原理倒转了哦~ 因此就增加了很多肥胖的问题。其实,吃回最真实的食物,你就肯定瘦啦。

  • 好的淀粉 - 好的淀粉我都会吃麦片,全麦面包,香蕉,玉米和地瓜,偶尔还是吃吃肉包(马来西亚的包不是开玩笑的好吃呢,尤其是叉烧包 哈哈)
  • 蛋白质 - 不能缺的鸡蛋,牛奶,无糖豆奶 (勤劳点就煎肉吃 哈哈)
  • 蔬果 - 早上我都吃水果比较多,甜甜的滋味补充我一整天的精力哦!有时会吃吃生菜番茄,因为方便,也很健康哟!
  • 好油 - 坚果,无糖花生酱都是好油,我有时选择喝一汤匙的extra virgin coconut oil,可以清洗cholesterol,还有有效增进新陈代谢,增加免疫力,促进消化哦!

以下是我及格的早餐 哈哈

燕麦 + 无糖豆奶 + 香蕉 + 坚果 + 青菜果汁
鲜奶 + 全麦面包 + 花生酱 + 生菜 + 番茄 + 水煮蛋 + 风酱
鲜奶/无糖豆奶 + 玉米 + 火龙果 + 水煮蛋 + 生菜

  • 好的淀粉 - 包括地瓜,木薯,马铃薯,金瓜,玉米,糙米,糙米粉,意大利面,麦片面
  • 蔬菜 - 烫青菜,清炒蔬菜,蔬菜汤,菇类
  • 蛋白质 - 水煮蛋,鱼,豆类,豆腐,瘦肉,鸡胸肉等


糙米 + 蒸鱼 + 清炒青菜 + 绿茶
莓果茶 + 蒸木薯与花椰菜 + 炒菜 
地瓜 + 果汁 + 清炒瘦肉,鸡蛋与蔬菜

  • 好的淀粉 - 包括地瓜,木薯,马铃薯,金瓜,糙米,糙米粉,意大利面,麦片面
  • 蔬菜 - 烫青菜,清炒蔬菜,蔬菜汤,菇类
  • 蛋白质 - 水煮蛋,鱼,豆类,豆腐,瘦肉,鸡胸肉等


莓果汁 + 糙米 + 排骨蔬菜汤
日本饭 + 鸡蛋肉碎豆腐蔬菜汤
青菜汤 + 麦片面

如果大家想看看我的食谱,都在我的面字书哦!只要你log in你的面子书 - 点击 这里 就可以啦!



1. 为什么要吃好的淀粉?


2. 为什么不建议晚上吃水果?


3. 吃那么干净,不闷不显吗?
说实话,前面两个星期吃干净还蛮吃力的。每天要跟nasi lemak, char kueh tiaw说拜拜,真的很辛苦。可是当然我不败给意志力,我成功坚持了70多天了,吃干净已经不再是什么大事了,毕竟习惯肯定成自然。

还有,我不是100%吃干净,我偶尔还是会出去吃吃肉骨茶,咖哩面等等我爱吃的大马美食。我都尽量选两餐来吃这些爆卡的食物,不过如果不小心吃太多了,没关系 因为明天做多一点运动回去就可以了,减脂路程是开心的哦!别给自己太大的压力哦。

4. 如果肚子饱,可是眼睛不饱呢?
当这事情发生时,那肯定是你身体所需的水分/营养是不足够,脑袋才会发出信息说你必须找东西吃到脑袋要的东西 (那是一位营养师告诉我的,我个人蛮认同他所说的呢!)还有另一个可能,女人的月事要来啦,那个我就不管了,因为我也管不了自己,哈哈!

眼睛不饱时,你可以先喝一杯开水,如果还是不饱,那吃吃一把坚果,香蕉或是黑巧克力。不过有时我有点饿时,我都会吃一包麦片饼干 (才126卡哦!)还有一下其他可以降低食欲的食物。







也点击90天内,我学会了- 这里,大家阅读愉快!

Friday, November 6, 2015

[Review] CiUM - Asia's First Kissing Lip Balm

Cium in Malay word means Kiss.

Yes, you remembered when is your first kiss to your boyfriend or hubby? Tell you my story at the end of this post. Shhhhh*

Introducing a very cute and interesting lip balm - CiUM, Asia's First Kissing Lip Balm. The main purpose of developing this lip balm is to be used by couples, to improve & enhance their relationship, according to Shaun Quah (Founder of Cium).

So wondering how this CiUM Lip Balm has been created?


2 pilots who developed this CiUM product. Story begin of 1 of the pilot, his long long distance relationship with his girl first who is a pilot.

His girl friend based on Manila and normally he travel back and forth to visit her. He always experience cracked lips due to dry air and therefore he would use lip balm to let his lips stay moist. However, most of the lip balm is either too oily or bland. It does not gives good aftertaste.

So, he start to develop his first kissing lip balm. Each partner can choose their favorite flavour and apply on their lips. Most amazing part is when they're kissing, the flavours mix up and produces a sensation that intensifies kissing! 

Sound interesting right? 

There're 4 TYPES of  combination CiUM Lip Balm:
  1. CiUM Sambal/Ais
  2. CiUM Meeko/S'berry
  3. CiUM Jumbo/Ying
  4. CiUM Zac/Kimmy
I got myself CiUM Meeko & S'berry! Meekoo smell chocolates & S'berry smell strawberries + lychee! Fruits smell makes me feel want to bite over and over again :P

Ingredients & Effects:
  • Shea butter (intensive moisturising)
  • Food ingredients (to make lips soft, supple and youthful)
  • Gives soothing, hydrating and antioxidants properties
  • Sweet taste and cooling effect with trade secret flavours

CiUM is Asia's First Kissing Lip Balm and used solely for kissing, I mean couples. Oops, but for those who are single, you can buy too! You just need to apply one on top and another on bottom lip AND squeeze lips together to get a fusion of flavors!

Let's try now :P

Comment: It taste really amazing, gives natural sweet and definitely you will want to kiss over and over again! *shyshy* It is refreshing and not so oily compared to other lip balm on the market! BUT it is a bit too sweet taste until I just can't tahan to bite my lips, LOL 

Before I end this post, I remembered the first kiss with my beloved bf - Vinc was on 16 April 2010 midnight, after we clubbed. After first kiss, we decided to become couple, and our relationship stayed until today, I believed it gonna last until forever <3

KISSES for me always represent how much I miss, I love deep inside my heart for someone special, especially Vinc, the best man ever in this world.

You Can Purchase at:

It is also sold in all AirAsia flights but you can purchase over the website I mentioned earlier to get cheaper price as well! Classic packaging available for you to choose on, very very soon! Pre-order available now ;)

BTW if you're looking on a special gift, why don't consider this special and interesting gift for special day like Valentine's Day? Grab it before Valentine as limited stock available!

Check out on their official website for more details -

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