Monday, November 28, 2016

[Review] Mary Kay All-NEW Botanical Effects® Skincare 玫琳凯全新草本护肤系列

说到本月爱用品,也就是 Mary Kay All-NEW Botanical Effects® Skincare | 玫琳凯全新凯草本护肤系列 啦~

这全新的草本护肤系列呢,跟之前的草本系列有什么不同呢?这次他们采用了 Dragon Fruit 火龙果Aloe Vera 芦荟 的成分 ,有什么功效呢?待会我再慢慢告诉你 :P

这次 玫琳凯全新凯草本护肤系列 包含了精简成分,好让肌肤拥有重要的护肤程序。拥有王牌成分为结合 Dragon Fruits 火龙果 和 Aloe Vera 芦荟 的每支草本产品呢,都注入了天然植物精华

  • 铁质,钙质以及磷
  • 脂肪酸
  • 多个复合维生素 B,其中还包含了 ‘抗压力激维生素’的 B1,B2 和 B3 哦!

火龙果 拥有非常强的抗氧化功能,可以对抗损害肌肤的自由基,让健康肌肤更光泽。

芦荟 呢,是全世界营养价值最高的植物,包含了 75 种营养质,20 样矿物质和 12 样维生素。这些成分都能让肌肤维持肌肤的滋润度,大量的维他命 E 也就是抗氧化剂,可让我们的肌肤展现水嫩的美感呢!它也证明了能够促进肌肤的健康和细胞更新周期。

进阶版草本系列包含了 火龙果 芦荟 萃取物,让肌肤注入源源不绝的抗氧化好处!不但如此,还让你的肌肤恢复温润又清新的质地,让你肌肤更加有倍感水润清爽!简洁又容易使用的护肤系列,忙碌的你还在等什么呢?

总共有 5支(洁面,去角质,爽肤,滋润和含有防晒保护的滋润霜),我们来一一了解吧~ :)

第一步:Botanical Effects Cleansing Gel 洁面凝胶

RM75 | 127g

这洁面凝胶含有椰子萃取的天然成分,用来清洗肌肤再也适当不过了~ 它不但可以有效的深层洁净,而且洁面后不会觉得脸有紧绷的感觉,反而会更滑顺,滋养和干净呢!


  1. 挤出适量的洁面凝胶(液体是透明的,还有香香的味道哦!)
  2. 用按摩方式把脸不各各部位按摩,尤其是比较多粉刺的鼻子,脸颊和下颚
  3. 用清水清洗后,用干净的布按压脸部,可不要拉扯脸部,因为会让皱纹容易产生哦
  • 每天早晚使用一次


  • 使用过后不会觉得紧绷,反而超滋润清爽!大爱呢!对了,我都用小毛经,因为冲凉的大毛巾我觉得太脏了,全身上下都用,哈哈!脸部比较敏感,所以小毛巾每两天我就清洗一次,这样不容易长粉刺痘痘哦~

第二步:Botanical Effects Exfoliating Scrub 清新去角质凝胶

RM75 | 88ml



  1. 挤出适量的去角质凝胶,有香香的味道,还有你会看到植物籽哦
  2. 分配脸部角落
  3. 然后柔柔的按摩肌肤,好让植物籽都可以轻轻的清洗毛孔
  • 一周两次到三次(早晚都可使用哦!)

  • 对于去角质的产品,我也特别挑。因为有许多的去角质产品使用了破坏大自然的塑胶,而且因为不能被大自然生态孵化,所以很多小动物都会吃了它,最后小动物就因为不能消化塑胶而死亡。非常感谢玫琳凯拥有爱大自然的心态,研发出了植物籽(火龙果籽)成为去角质产品!一级棒哦,大家一起环保!

第三步:Botanical Effects Toner 清新爽肤水

RM75 | 147ml

  • 去除多余的油脂
  • 控油
  • 清洁污垢和死皮细胞
  • 含有 Witch Hazel 萃取物,可让毛孔更紧缩
  • 不让肌肤紧绷或者干燥



  1. 倒入适量的爽肤水在棉花上
  2. 记得把棉花由内往外和由下往上的方向 轻轻的推
  3. 污垢和少少的油脂都会出现在棉花上
  • 早晚洁面后使用


  • 这爽肤水有点酒精的成分,如果你有对酒精敏感那我不建议使用哦!我是没有对酒精敏感啦,个人蛮喜欢这爽肤水因为可以深层的洁净你的肌肤,包括污垢,油脂还有死皮哦!你可以在第三张图看到有些污垢和点点油脂啊,可见所以单单洗脸是不够啊!

第四步:Botanical Effects Moisturizer 滋润凝胶

RM85 | 85g

这滋润凝胶可以让肌肤更快的被吸收,让所有肌肤都更加滋滋润更加健康哦!涂上肌肤呢,会感觉不黏腻,同时可以达到 12 小时的滋润呢!更柔嫩 滑顺 清新的肌肤,你要吗?


  1. 挤出适量的滋润凝胶,是粉色的哦,也是有香香的味道
  2. 往脸部全部品均抹上
  3. 然后轻轻由内往外,由下往上按压
  • 早晚爽肤水后使用
  • 个人还蛮喜欢这滋润凝胶,因为有时我敷上去有点热热的感觉,觉得全脸的血液循环都增加了,感觉超棒的!对了,涂了之后就不会有黏腻的感觉,超清爽!

第五步:Botanical Effects Moisturizer SPF 30 防晒滋润霜

RM65 | 50ml

SPF 30 防晒滋润霜提供有效防晒保护,好让皮肤避免受到 UVA 和 UVB 紫外线的伤害。它不但能让肌肤快速吸收,也不留下残留物,也提供你长达 12 小时的滋润度,适合全部肌肤呢!


  1. 挤出适量的滋润霜, 白色液体,还有香香的味道
  2. 平均抹涂在你的脸上哦
  3. 记得按压,好让所有的滋润霜都被皮肤吸收哦
  • 白天敷了滋润凝胶后才使用哦!


  • 个人还蛮喜欢这滋润霜,因为它可以提亮肌肤,让肌肤更有光泽。还有呢,你不会有黏腻感哦,超里凉爽的~ 还有我很怕有些防晒涂了会长痘痘,这反而不会呢!


当我凑成我的BEFORE AFTER照片,我还真的给吓倒!我的肌肤很明显的提亮许多,还有毛孔稍微缩小,皮肤特别滋润,皮肤滋润后,皱纹也比较细腻啦!拥有内干外油的肌肤,我真的很需要保湿产品哦!自从做了 Beauty Blogger,我都在寻找学习怎么才可以拥有年轻又嫩嫩的肌肤,原来是保湿啊~

  • 不含油份和香精
  • 不会引起粉刺和阻塞毛孔
  • 适合全部肌肤,包括敏感肌肤
  • 通过皮肤刺激性和过敏性临床测试
  • 经过皮肤专科测试

早上: 第一,第三,第四和第五步


Lets stay Fresh & Clean with Mary Kay

Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant: 03-77117500

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

[Review + Video] Box of Joy by Ladaza 开箱记


第一次拍影片,Box of Joy by Lazada 开箱记! 超级紧张!

说到自作影片,真的花了我非常大的勇气呢!单单录片,剪片呢,都耗了我快两天的时间呢~ 第一次做影片,还因为一个 error 它竟然把我的 software 给关了!天啊,如果你们自作影片时,千千万万要 save 个 draft!不然真的会哭死你!哈哈,我真的很好奇那些 Youtuber 是怎么活过来的 :P

话说回来,这次的 Joy of Box by Lazada 真的惊喜连连哦!谢谢你 Lazada,有些还超出意外呢~嘻嘻!废话不多说,我从第一个到最后一个慢慢向大家介绍哦!

第一:Manual Food Chopper 

说真的,我还不懂 chopper 中文叫什么,查了之后原来它叫搅菜器~ 有了它,你下厨就轻松自如啦~ 你可以使用它来搅你要的食物,例如:姜,洋葱,nuts,肉类等等;把它们全都变成碎片!再也不用你的力气,一刀一刀把食物切碎!

第二: Maggie Oat Mee

说到泡面,我还第一次看到麦片的泡面哦!还是 curry 口味的,这样综合起来感觉挺健康的嘛!男友第一眼看到时就要马上给把它给煮了呢,幸好没有给他,不然这照片可能剩的只是袋子,哈哈!(过后我会煮给他的,嘻嘻,看他那么爱吃 :P)

第三:Ola-Bola 包包


第四:Joy of Box

Voucher 礼券 - 有 Lazada 和 Food Panda 的礼券哦!谁看到谁就可用哦 :P

Lactokid 小包包 和 钢笔,Nestle Cerelac Snacks - 看到那小孩子吃的 snacks,当场有一股冲动想把它给吃了,哈哈!小包包也可以变成我的铅笔盒哦!

SanDisk OTG - Dual Drive m3.0 - 话说回来,我刚刚买了两个32G的啦!不过有了这个 OTG 真的超方便哦,你把戏抄在里面,想看的时候开来看就行啦!

Nestle 牛奶 - 我还真的不知道 Nestle 牛奶出新包装哦!还没试喝看呢,你们试喝了吗?

Loreal 产品 - 从左:Mythic Oil, Liss & Pump Up, Sleek & Swing, Bouncy & Tender, Nutrifier Glycerol + Coco Oil。正需要到护发产品,谢谢啦,嘻嘻!有得试用真好!

Nescafe White Coffee (Pandan 口味)- Pandan 口味的白咖啡你喝过吗?而且还是限量版哦!白咖啡里带出微微的 Pandan 味道,那我还是第一次喝呢~

Mamy Poko 湿纸巾 - 我每天必带的物品,因为我真的很怕肮脏,怕吃东西前手肮脏!所以没了它,还有找不到厕所,那我真的不知如何是好~

这些产品都可以在 Lazada 这网站购买哦!



只要你是 Lazada 新用户,你就可以享有 20% 折扣 哦!

如果你也想要跟我一样成为 Lazada 部落客,那么你可以 email 给 哦!

Lazada 永远都是我最爱的购物网站,折扣多(有信用卡,折扣卷等等好康呢!)

在 11月11号,光棍节 那天也购买了 Watsons 最畅销品牌 NH Nutri Grains,原价 RM78,当天却买 只需 RM68,还包邮呢!你说你说,哪里还有更好的价钱?

#LZDMYRevolution 的 折扣 Code 使用日期 11.11.2016 - 12.12.2016

购物愉快!- LAZADA 

不忘了,记得收看我的Youtube Video哦!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

[Review] Micrite 3D All Use Eye Cream by Swissvita 瑞士微佳

其实我最怕眼睛四周干燥,因此会造成你的鱼尾纹会显得特别明显呢!随着年龄的增长,唉!真的要好好呵护我们的眼睛,这样我们老了40岁了,还看起来像25岁呢 :P

谢谢 Swissvita 瑞士微佳的 Micrite 3D All Use Eye Cream,在此让我体验奇迹!

Swissvita 瑞士微佳,简称为 Vita,欧美技术,还有微整形保养品的专家承认哦!所有他们所制造的产品功效成分,都经过严格把关挑选呢!

他们以 AC-11 x B12 独家高效微整配方而红。微晶 3D 全能系列配方中加入珍贵的 AC-11,还有维他命 B12 可以有效帮助肌肤活化,适合消费者和各界的专业人士使用哦。而且 Swissvita 瑞士微佳采用了规格铝 (aluminium tubes) 管包装,好让品质保证,也更加安全呢~

对了,由于是铝管包装,所以他们使用的是密封包装,那我们来看看怎么打开这支 Micrite 3D All Use Eye Cream 吧!



  1. 看到红色的圈圈吗?
  2. 把它们都拆开。
  3. 把红色的圈圈拿掉,然后剩铝管和盖盖。
  4. 把盖子盖上去铝管锁紧,就可以啦~


只要从铝管尾端开始挤压,你就会看到 eye cream 被挤压出来了。

Swissvita 瑞士微佳的 eye cream 是浅橙色的透明液体,不会太粘也不会太水水的感觉。至于味道呢,只有淡淡的护肤品味道吧,完全没有香精的味道~ 而且涂上去还有凉凉冰冰的感觉,特别清爽!

  1. 只要挤出适量的 eye cream 分量,涂在眼睛四周(尽量避免动到眼球哦!)
  2. 然后用无名指轻轻拍打。
  3. 最后,用中指和无名指轻轻按摩和做微微的往上提动作。
  4. 早晚,洗完脸,涂上TONER, MOISTURIZER/TONER,就可以上这eye cream啦!就如此简单哦! :)

Micrite 3D All Use Eye Cream by Swissvita 瑞士微佳 功效 包括:
  • 让眼睛四周看起来更滋润滑顺
  • 减轻黑眼圈
  • 减轻眼睛疲劳
  • 提升肌肤的弹力,那么就可以减少鱼尾纹啦!
  • Paraben 防腐剂
  • Alcohol 酒精
  • Fragrance 香精
  • Pigment 色素


自从使用了 Micrite 3D All Use Eye Cream by Swissvita 瑞士微佳(一星期多...),眼睛没有以前那么紧崩(干燥),大笑起来鱼尾纹也没有以前那么明显。不过真的要天天使用哦,不然短期不会看到效果!


PS: 我脸看起来有点亮因为我上了 serum 和 night mask,最后才上 eye cream 所以亮亮的哦~

价格:RM196.25 RM108.85

对了,那么好用的产品,哪里可以少了大家的份呢!在此我即将送出 RM10 的 折扣 CODE






Wednesday, November 9, 2016

[Review] Kikumasamune 日本酒 Skincare Series

If you're following my social media - Instagram or Facebook, YES I'm changing my current skincare to Kikumasamune 日本酒 Skincare Series, which is a famous sake brewer in Japan, found in 1659. It produced by dried sake through the method since Edo periods.

And, this series of Kikumasamune range produce by DRY SAKE (fermented rice liquor).

So yeah, let's us begin with our Kikumasamune Skincare Series!

a. Kikumasamune Skin Care Cleansing (Gel)
After whole day wearing your make up, I'm pretty sure you want a very comfort make up remover to remove all your make up right? YES, I think Kikumasamune got the softest and most gentle texture during application on our face.

Size: 200g
Price: RM42.90

This make up remover is blended with sake, this is not only a normal make up remover, but with amino acid, which is the moisturizing ingredient, helps to lock the moisture in our skin.

How to use?

  1. Huge amount of this skin care cleansing but just need to spread 3cm onto your palm.
  2. You can either use with dry/wet hand to spread this gel onto your face, or even your body area which contain sunscreen! Remember to give a gentle massage ;)
  3. You can rinse or wipe it on, but I prefer to rinse it off. I felt super fresh and smooth after all make up has been removed.
  • Yes, slightly acid pH balance makes your skin smoother. They also contain no color addictive and no mineral oils. This skin care cleansing gel doesn't trigger my sensitive skin, as well as irritate my eye (especially oil type one!). *thumbs up*

b. Kikumasamune Skin Care Facial Wash
After remove all your make up, next step definitely is facial cleanser! Yes, I like bubbly type and and after rinsed off you will still feel your skin moisture!

Size: 200g
Price: RM39.90

Long lasting and bubbly foam remove our skin impurities cleanly, including sebum deep inside pores. Also, the foam is super fine, dense and springy which act as cushion, can help to clean our face without damaging our skin!

If you're outstation and sort of body cleanser, you can use this skin care wash to wash your body too! Bet your skin will be doink doink after that :P

How to use?
  1. Just spread a bit onto your palm, and wet your face. Do a circulation massage (definitely not few seconds then rinse off already*), until all the impurities coming out, then lastly rinse it with water.
  2. Then use your facial or clean towel to wipe ;)
  • Personally think that this foam is super soft and bubbly! Can make your skin super smooth after cleansing. But for this cleanser you will smell the fermented rice liquor while using it. For me is okay, because they didn't put fragrant to cover the smell! It also give moist and no tautness feeling after rinsed off with water!

c. Kikumasamune Sake Skin Lotion
For me this is the toner that we needed everyday after facial wash. It helps to lock in the moisture in our skin after facial wash.

Size: 500ml
Price: RM42.90

This moisturizing lotion contains sake, which is fermented rice liquor. It gives sweet and light scent of sake smell. It also contain amino acid and minerals that's beneficial to our skin. In the age before cosmetics, diluted sake was use to treat skin condition. Leftover sake was used by geisha in Japan.

How to use?
  1. Just give 2-3 pumps onto the facial cotton.
  2. Wipe upward position, as I thought you all before (read my previous+++ post) :P 
  • If your skin is dry, you can just use this moisturizing lotion to improve your water level in your skin. If your skin is super dry, I will recommend you to get extra moisturizing lotion, which is the next product! So actually I see mood use lah :P

d. Kikumasamune Sake Skin Lotion (Moist)
So if your skin experienced super dry condition, you may use this Sake Skin Lotion to rescue you! And the effect after application quite significant!

Size: 500ml
Price: RM49.90

It gives more sweet and light scent of sake when you pump them out! In addition, beside sake and amino acid, placenta extract and arbutin as well as ceramide also help to keep our skin moist!

How to use?
  1. Just give around 5 pumps onto this half sponge pad (1 pair of cotton actually can divide into 2 pairs) 
  2. Apply onto your face for 10 mins. 

Yes, my skin so much smoother, also my pores getting smaller, ignored my pimples as thats my pre menstrual symptom (PMS). After application, you won't get sticky feeling too! Now you can do your mask anytime, with your favorite toner/moisturizer/treatment essence!  

e. Kikumasamune Sake Skin Emulsion
Lastly will be the skin emulsion! An emulsion blend with sake, non greasy moisturizer which keep your skin smoother. 

Size: 380ml
Price: RM49.90

It gives white smooth texture, slightly acid pH balance and contain no color addictive. 

How to use?
  1. Just give 2 pumps on your hand
  2. Apply it onto your face with your clean hand, and you're done!
  • It gives a smooth, non-oily feeling after application. This emulsion contains 2 times more amino acids than toning water. It is outstanding not only of their oil content but also their moisturizing power!
  • If other body part which gives super dry condition, you can apply them onto your skin as well!

Overall, I like this series of Kikumasamune, all of them! If want me pick on of my favorite, I will pick the very first item, the Skin Care Cleansing Gel, as it won't trigger my eyes, at all!!

My skin getting better and better, except with those PMS acne -.- Wish I always got flawless skin and make up pun tak payah susah susah cover here and there. I will recommend to those who having dry, dry to oily skin people to use it, as it will help to lock in more moisture into our skin!

Also, their price range is reasonable yet affordable with huge volume of each bottle of their skincare, guess half year only can finish them? Any questions just leave at the comment below ya!

More information:
Grab them at Selected Aeon Wellness & SASA stores today & try it out!

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