Saturday, December 31, 2016

Seng Heng W-Day | First Day of Every Month

听过Senheng® Electric (KL) Sdn. Bhd. 吗? 它是一间本地非常有名的电器连锁公司哦! 偷偷告诉你, 我新家很多电器都在那里购买哦, 包括我近来po的冰箱呢~

它不但有超过100间连锁, 也让大家更容易购买到便宜, 甚至可以增加warranty 还有本人很喜欢的 - 0%贷款哦! 简单来说, 它四处都为你服务哦~

今天我要告诉你们的是 Senheng 电器公司将在每一个月的第一天, 是W-DAY!



这一天呢 会有什么特别优惠?

  • 免费两年 warranty (包括 Electrical Appliances, Home Appliances & Digital Gadgets, not just small appliances)!
  • 所谓的 warranty 就是 一换一 (1 to 1 replacement), 就是坏了一个赔一个!
  • 对于 small appliances, 您可以以一块钱 (RM1) 就可以拥有 一换一 的优惠哦!  [在这优惠里, 顾客们可以付最低的费用, 就可以以一换一的优惠来对换 (每个月的第一天, 以一块钱换!), 如果你的产品在两年内损坏。]
  • 对了, 这优惠之给予 Senheng PlusOne members (只需付一次性的 RM12, 你就可以得到这会员卡啦~

那你们还等什么呢? 赶快去您附近的 Senheng 连锁电器公司!! 可别说我 BOJIO ❤❤❤



Friday, December 30, 2016

[Review] Sista Power Bank

有了智慧手机,那么你肯定知道智慧手机的电池肯定不能耐整天 💢💢💢

那么你包包里肯定少不了 power bank 呢~ 😂 那么你们最近有没有担心你的 power bank 是否安全使用呢?而最近我用了一个很不错的 power bank,是 SISTA 牌子的哦!出产于深圳,是香港认证哦!

Official Sista Nexus ST-102 Plus 10200 mAh Power Bank

Model : ST-102 Plus
Capacity : 10200mAh (LG Battery)
Input : DC 5v / 2A
Output : DC 5v / 2.4A 
Dual Input : Micro/Lightning
Colour : Space Grey / Rose Gold (如图)

这款 power bank 呢,容量是 10200 mAh。如果你的电池容量是 2000 mAh (可在你手机背部电池那里看到)呢,那么这 power bank 就可以让你手机 5 次充电到满哦!

可是如果你边充电边玩手机的话,那就另外说啦!(不建议一边充电一边玩手机,一来辐射非常高,二来减低 power bank 和 你手机电池的寿命,三来也可能引起爆炸因为电池过热!)


使用前:你可以按箭头指的那个纽来启动这个 power bank 哦!或者你可以直接插入你的充电线,蓝色纽会亮起来,就表示你的电话在充电啦!


个人觉得这 Sista Power Bank 非常娇小,粉红色非常女生,超爱哦!男生可拿灰色哦,也超酷的说~ 对于它的体积,一手就可以紧紧握住,放入包包也不占位子呢!

对于 power bank 我特别挑,因为有许多新闻报导说没牌子的 power bank 最好别买,容易引发爆炸,还是要国家认证比较安全哦!记得为自己也为身边的人着想哦!

另外另外,它们使用的是 LG 电池,拥有 dual input 和 output,所以可以大电流,快充技术,让手机更快的充满。唯一小小缺点是你不知道它的电池几时用完,可能用了3-4次就要为 power bank 充电了~ 不过有两年 warranty,值了!

10500 mAh
RM 149/-




或者 retail shop: malaysia/615504301953037

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

''16 Going On 17'' New Year Countdown Party at Citta Mall


如果还没,那么住在雪隆区的朋友们有好康了! Ara Damansara 的 Citta Mall 在 2017 年倒数的那天,举办了 “16 Going On 17” 的跨年派对让大家来参与哦!

  1. An Honest Mistake
  2. Baki Zainal
  3. Dina Nadzir
  4. Alvin Lee (大马迷你版李荣浩)
  5. Rejuvenate Dance Crew
  6. Beatboxer Shawn Lee

不过媒体发布会开始前,感谢 Flicker's Diner 和 Mr. Dakgalbi 赞助我们全体美味又可口的晚餐哦!味道都超棒,有去 Citta Mall 的你们肯定要试试看哦~

赞助于 Flicker's Diner

赞助于 Mr. Dakgalbi

在当晚边吃边聊 (makan-and-mingle) 的当时,我们也更了解了全部当天表演的 六组 艺人。


而一直有关注 Shawn Lee 的我,是一名非常出名的 搞笑的youtuber,也是一名 beatboxer!真的才艺无限,今年他的最红影片就是父亲节 prank 了他老爸!只要你有看 Facebook,你肯定不会 missed 掉他的这支影片呢!他老爸还生气的用瓶子敲了他的头呢,超可爱的说!

除了会拍片,玩 beatbox 也一流呢!期待吗?那么当晚千万别错过他的可爱又认真的表演哦!也有很棒的本地歌手与舞蹈者 (会唱歌会跳舞的男女都超有魅力哦!)

活动表 :

30 December 2016 - 1 January 2017 | Citta Shopping Mall
  • 在 本 Citta Mall 购物者都可以参加 Citta 挑战游戏,可从中赢取 Harvey Norman 的丰富奖品哦!

31 December 2016 | Citta Mall Carpark
  • 活动晚上8点开始(包括小丑,骑士,魔术表演和其他惊喜等等)
  • 表演晚上9点预备表演
  • 晚上10点正式开始引爆
  • 12点烟花秀
  • 还有还有,3位幸运儿可赢走一部全新的 smart phone哦!
  • 倒数当天记得提前到哦,否则不要说我没告诉你呢~

大家一起来 HIGH 翻天吧!2017年,我们准备来迎接您咯~不见不散!

面子书 -

Sunday, December 25, 2016

[Review] Nivea Creme by NIVEA

It's been quite a long time I didn't update for my BEAUTY POST, and today I'm back for a new beauty product (for me only la, never try before :P)!

Yes, Nivea Creme! Don't it sound familiar? Have you try before?

Why I bought this? Because one day I saw a girl grabs bunch of Nivea Creme, some more I heard a lot of beauty bloggers from all over the world are using it as well. Hence, it makes me want to try it out!

Basically Nivea Creme known as MOST SOLD MOISTURIZER WORLDWIDE. Its also means, whenever your skin facing dry skin problem, Nivea Creme will be the first one to give rich and mild care for your skin! 😃

So, it is sealed up by silver paper.

Yes, this is Nivea Creme, and it gives typical smell of every Nivea products have. The TEXTURE comes in white colour, smooth, and a bit oily during application.

BEFORE AND AFTER for 1 time application

Start from my hand, my skin will be irritated if I touch tina, alcohol or acid stuff. Then I must apply lotion to keep it prevent from drying up. I'm actually having quite bad of dry skin from every part of my body, other than HAND, LEG and even HEEL also facing the same problem.

Yeah, so recently I try this Nivea Creme out and found that it works quite good on my skin, but during application it gives slightly oily feeling, and after awhile then is okay. However, you will need to apply twice a day, or else you won't see any significant changes 😁

Other than that, I used it as sleeping mask before every night I sleep, for me it is a bit hard to apply, as it is quite sticky, and you will feel a bit oily after application but only for awhile la. And it wont irritated my sensitive skin as well. But because I don't like the sticky feeling, so I will keep it for my bag, my SOS product for my hand, leg and heel!

Price: RM6.90
Volume: 60ml

Available for 3 sizes ya 💗

More information:

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Buffalo 牛头牌 2016 年 全马宣传活动

说到 Buffalo 牛头牌,我还记得家里的全部厨房的锅都是牛头牌的牌子呢!妈咪还说,大妹那么大,它们都那么大了。那么你猜猜我大妹几岁?


那么,如果你也是 Buffalo 牛头牌 的粉丝,那么你千万别错过这次的一年一度全马 30场巡回年菜活动做宣传呢!活动包括:
  • 有吃
  • 有学
  • 有优惠
  • 有抽奖


那么大家可别错过这一次的巡回年菜宣传活动哦!体验牛头牌原味美食的魅力,就在牛头牌新春展销会折扣高达50% Off)

因为 Buffalo 牛头牌 的牌子不但拥有非常经典的锅(我妈咪超爱),十年前的价格肯定跟今天差不多,所以赶紧买一个吧!也有其他锅子类,甚至到其他电器和厨房炊具都有哦!还有 Trade - In 旧换新的活动 哦!



还有还有,Buffalo 牛头牌 也有 刮刮卡片抽奖 哦,那不必担心,这抽奖肯定是合法的,嘻嘻!

只需购买 RM 500 以上,就可获得一张刮刮卡片,买越多,刮越多呢!

总值 RM 1,700,000 的丰富奖品等你来赢取。那么你看看这些得奖者,都赢取了价值 RM 858 的经典炒菜锅哦,超想现在马上去血拼,然后刮取丰富的奖品哦~


那么你们别错过这一次绝无仅有的优惠价哦,错过就再也买不到咯~ 不论是新年送礼,或者送家人朋友一份心意都再适合不过了哦~

对了,那么这 30 场活动即将在哪里举办呢? 点击以下,以获取更多详情关于地点与时间哦!

No.1/68, Jalan Bukit Ubi, 25200 KUANTAN - 
12/25/16 10am ~ 7pm

1/1/17 10am ~ 7pm

No.98, Jalan Laksamana Cheng Ho, 75050 Melaka.

1/15/17 10am ~ 7pm

No.1, Jalan Raja Uda, Kampung Bagan Jermal, 12300 Butterworth, Pulau Pinang

JB - 
Daiman Sport Complex - Taman Johor Jaya, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor. 
1/21/17 10am ~ 7pm



Wednesday, December 21, 2016

#GooseySelfie Contest, by MyTOWN Shopping Centre

Woohoo! Recently I've shared a contest - Goosey Selfie Contest by My TOWN Shopping Centre! Have you check it out? If not, do follow my Facebook or my social medias for more updates :P

Yes, this contest organized by My TOWN Shopping Centre, which will be officially launch on 16th February 2017, it's 2 days after Valentine Day!

Wondering where it located? My TOWN Shopping Centre is CONNECTED to IKEA Cheras, at Kuala Lumpur! I will put a google map location at the end of my post ;)

Okay, GOOD NEWS is they're organizing an amazing 
#GooseySelfie Contest
 whereby there''re more than RM10,000 worth of prizes to be won!

With very simple steps:
  1. Log on to
  2. Click join now & follow these easy steps.


Remember to GOOSIFY your selfie, because this is a #GooseySelfie! Here's mine 😝

My name is GOOSEYNISTA, and how about you?
Just click on the Gallery or HERE to find out your Goose Squad Name ;)

**There are more than RM 10,000 worth of prizes to be won!**
Join the contest today & GOOD LUCK ya!

More information:
(Connected to IKEA Cheras)

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Wofollow Mobile Coupon

说到 固本 Coupon,相信现在很多人都超爱!付钱时可以付少点钱,谁不要呢?那要好康的你,可别错过 Wofollow Mobile Coupon App!


你可以 Create Account 或者 Log In With Facebook,我通常都是选最容易那个,Log In With Facebook,嘻嘻!然后填一下资料就可以了~

所以有 Beauty, Fashion, Food & Beverage (F&B), Lifestyle, Electronic & Health,不过期待的是 F&B (我可是个吃货,吃干净是我的爱好,可是偶尔 cheat 一下美食!)

所以只要按进去 F&B,你就会看到这~

所以有各式各样的 Voucher哦!点击选择了 Studio Cafe RM 10 Off,已经有 393人使用这固本咯~

点击 红色 COLLECT,你就可以看到你的 Coupon Redemption!不过在这之前,你就记得看看他们的 Term & Condition,几点开到几点,有参与的 Outlet,还有使用日期哦!

点击之后,那么,就会出现以下这 一幕,说你成功 Collect 你的 Voucher 咯!

最后 最后,你就可以 检查你的固本啦,看看是否有效!

嘻嘻,是不是超方便的呢?这最后一步呢,把这一幕 show 给 Cashier 看看,就可以啦!Cashier 输入 passcode,那么你的这一餐就省了 RM 10 啦~

每逢 星期一 的 12pm 准,会有特别固本 分发给所有有 Wofollow App 的使用者哦!
那么你再也不会 Monday Blue 啦~大家使用愉快哦!


赶快下载 Wofollow Mobile Coupon,立刻开始领取Wofollow 优惠券!


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Cosplay Competition by Klang Parade 2016 #cosplayparty

说到上周末的 Klang Parade 购物广场所举办的 Cosplay Competition #CosplayParty2016,你们期待成绩吗?还不懂是什么吗?

话不多说,我们先来个全体 Cosplayer 的大合照,共有27位选手参加这比赛哦!话说回来,我还真的很佩服他们的勇气,创意和耐力!不然,哪来的那么多帅哥美女看呢~

每次看到的都是 Comic Fiesta 的 Cosplayer,是没有比赛的。可是这次是我第一次观看 Cosplay 比赛呢~ 那么说到比赛,那么肯定有很厉害的评审咯~ 她们会是谁呢?如果你有追踪我的部落客,那么你一定知道这三位重量级评审是谁了呢!

左边起 - Reina, Venus & Suannie Ng。评审们看起来都很漂亮,而且跟她们所扮演的角色特别合适,还有有种很厉害的感觉!

所以参赛者,这次共有 27 位。所有参赛者必须完成 3 项单元。
  1. 走台步,摆 5 个 poses
  2. 走 shopping mall,与观众相处的态度
  3. 个人才艺表演

所以偷偷告诉你,改次记得准备好这些 tempo,这样下一届的冠军非你不可!

Mohd Aizat Safwan 所扮演的 Kougoro Mouri

Micho Teh 所扮演的 Pokemon 的 Moon

Ice Qilin 所扮演的 Uru

Tan Kong Leng 扮演 Sora
Crhis Foo 扮演 Dead Pool
Zomic 扮演 Lau
Mohd Nurul Amin 扮演 Charles Henry Sanson
Catherine Juu-oon 扮演 Hanon Hosho



另外,还想告诉大家,这次 Klang Parade 购物广场,设计了 A Frozen Wonderland 来当主题,可以配合圣诞节的到来,让整个购物广场更加热闹,甚至有气氛!

因为这 Frozen 梦幻主题,所以也因此举办了 Cosplay Competition,不止让更多小孩来 Frozen 梦幻主题游乐场玩耍,也让更多爱 cosplay 的青少年有机会参与!

圣诞节也是 Thanks Giving 的时候,当天有

Ms Yap Su-Yin, CEO of Tan Chin Tuan Foundation
Dato Richard Ong, Council Member of Tan Sri Tan Foundation
June Lim, Malaysian Country Head for ARA Asset Management Limited
Mr Yazman Yuhana, Communication & Fundraising Manager from Yayasan Chow Kit
Mdm Julia, The Pure Life Society


Yayasan Chow Kit 和 The Pure Life Society 各自得到 RM 10,000 Tan Sri Tan Foundation的捐款~

希望所有的孤儿都可以健康成长,好好做人!虽然先天条件不好,不过后天一样可以活得精彩哦~ 我也听到台上的重量级人物,颁发捐款后,还要跟孤儿们,一起用餐,聆听他们的故事和需求。听到这段,人间还是有爱,有情。


记得来 Klang Parade 逛逛哦! 💚

网址 -
面子书 -
Hashtags - #klangparade #klangparademall #cosplayparty 

Monday, December 5, 2016

[Review + Giveaway] Sephora Haul - FRESH Skincare Treasure Set & Sephora Masks

Woots, a lot of SALES going on by END of theYEAR, and what you bought for yourself? I got myself a FRESH Skincare Treasure Set and some Sephora Masks from my favorite shop - SEPHORA 😍

But first let me share joy of FRESH Skincare Treasure Set, as while I'm using it, I feel like I found a box of TREASURE!! Seriously my skin became flawless after changed to FRESH series 😃

FRESH Skincare Treasure Set

This FRESH Skincare Treasure Set contain 5 items, which is care from whole face, eyes and even lip! If you ask me why I grab this set? I will tell you that YOU WILL NEVER REGRET to GRAB IT 😜

Let's begin my treasure set routine!

STEP 1: Soy Face Cleanser

FRESH Soy Face Cleanser suitable for all types of skin. It is an extra-gentle gel cleanser which can wash away all the impurities and make up (even mascara) effectively without stripping the skin of essential moisture. 

How to use:

  1. Squeeze an adequate amount on your palm.
  2. Wet your hand and face.
  3. Massage over your face and eyes, and rinse lastly!
  • Use it twice a day (morning and night)

Personally like this gel type of gentle cleanser so much! Ever smell lotus before? It sealed up tightly, and once your remove it, you will smell the nice fragrance of lotus! Yes, I even had lotus drink before, seriously I felt of makan it 😄

Well, it works not only to tone, soothe, but even soften the skin for more radiant as well as healthy skin looking! So, after cleansing part done, I don't feel any skin tightening feeling, but FRESH enough as the name of this brand.

STEP 2: Sugar Face Polish

Sugar Face Polish is a gentle exfoliating mask with real brown sugar. Brown sugar helps to softens and smoothes our skin to a more radiant complexion!

How to use:

  1. Use your finger tips to get some sugar face polish and apply evenly over your face (avoiding eye and mouth area).
  2. Leave on 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse with warm water, and use clean towel to tap on your face 😄
  • Used 3-4 times a week

This is my very first time using brown sugar type of scrub. The texture is in brown in colour as in majority ingredient is brown sugar. It is very soft and gentle while you're applying onto our skin.

So, it makes your face in light brown colour and the smell is lightly sweet in taste, but for me is quite nice. Ohya, recommended to use warm water to remove as it will remove the sugar face polish effectively. You will love your face 100% after this step 😝

STEP 3: Lotus Youth Preserve Face Cream with Super 7 Complex

Lotus Youth Preserve Face Cream with Super 7 Complex is a universal daily moisturizer which featuring 7 super-charged ingredients, included:
  • Lotus flower extract - Helps to defends against wrinkle-causing free radicals
  • Blue-green algae - Helps to minimize early signs of aging
  • Hibiscus fruit extract - Boosts up skin hydration
  • Fig fruit extract - Preserves ideal moisture levels
  • Vitamin C - Acts as antioxidant and protective properties
  • Vitamin E - Helps to soften our skin
  • Vegetable glycerol - Locks and seals moisture in our skin
It is proved to provide 24 hours of significant moisture!! Let's see ;)

How to use:

  1. Spread the cream equally on your face.
  2. Massage until the cream absorb fully into your skin.
  3. Feels the blood circulation on your face.
  • Apply it after cleansing, twice a day (morning and night)

I quite like this Lotus Youth Preserve Face Cream as it really give intense hydration, and even boosts up the radiance as they described. Yes, you will feel slight blood circulation increase after application, in very comfort way! Which I like it a lot, it gives LOTUS smell!

Also, for 24 hours locked in moisture? But I will definitely say yes for 12 hours, as I don't feel my face dry to oil even working in 12 hours in air-con room! Cos I used it twice a day ma, find one day I try to use it once a day, and let you guys know in my insta update 😝

STEP 4: Lotus Youth Preserve Eye Cream

A lightweight formula featuring 7 super-charged ingredients. Ingredient same as Lotus Youth Preserve Face Cream, but in lighter formula. It also delivering 24-hour moisture, and create radiant, youthful glow around the eye area.

How to use:

  1. Apply small amount over eye area.
  2. Massage lower part of your eyes with light tapping.
  3. Then, massage upper and end part of your eye with middle/ring finger by tapping.
  • Use it after cleansing and face cream for twice a day  (morning and night)

For the the texture seriously similar with the previous face cream, but it really makes ur tail of your eye not so obvious when you're smiling. 

STEP 5: Sugar Rose Tinted Lip Treatment SPF 15

A sheer rosy tint, which proven to give moisture, protects as well as smoothes the our lips. It is proved to provide 6 hours of significant moisture for soft and supple lips. It also contain SPF 15, helps our lips stay away from sun light!!

It made of sugar, which help to prevent moisture loss, meadowfoam and black currant seed oils, which helps to moisturize our lips, and also grapeseed oil, which helps to smooth and soften (rich in antioxidant and protect lips from damaging free radicales).

How to use:

  • Use it every 6 hours, or needed.

I love the combination together of lip balm and lip tint. Because lip balm itself, it doesn't contain any colouring, and lip tint itself is too dry to apply. So yeah, this would be my favorite lip stick now!

It really helps my lips to stay in moist, prevent lip crack as well as add on a little bit of colour on my lips, which makes me sexier 😍

This is my very first time using FRESH products and I kind of FALL IN LOVE on it! Seriously even I got menstrual acne I also feel my skin smooth, calm and skin redness reduced as well. BTW can I say that all these products in FRESH Skincare Treasure Set is my favorite?

You use it then you know! 😘

Oversea reviews show that people over there grab this FRESH products set by set, so I also get myself to try it out! AND it works magically! Gonna get another set once this set finish! :P


I'm going to giveaway Sephora Masks, which is one of my favorite mask! I have been using their invisilk mask for quite a long time ago as well as sleeping mask! You will love them! AND Sephora Sleeping Mask can even use for a week 😜

Yes, I love LOTUS type of skincare now because it can help me to keep my skin moist and for me to help skin stay hydrated is more IMPORTANT than whitening. When your skin is moist and hydrate enough, you're skin will even stay younger, so less dry skin and wrinkles 😃

NOW I'm going to giveaway THESE MASKS to 

Two Simple Steps:
  1. FOLLOW my blog - Google plus or Google friend connect
  2. Tell me why you want to WIN.
  3. Comment at below with your answer, name & email to prove that you're DONE
Terms and Condition:
  • Only for Malaysian resident.
  • Contest end on: 20th December 2016.


More Information:
To grab all these awesome SKINCARE SET & MASKS,
pls check out here for the price as well as more information: HERE.

Sephora Outlet:
Klang Valley - Starhill, KLCC, Sunway Pyramid, Paradigm Mall, 
Nu Central, Mid Velly, One Utama, Robinsons, IOI City Mall
Penang - Gurney Paragon, Queensbay
Perak - Aeon Klebang
Johor - Komtar
Sarawak - Spring
Sabah - Imago Mall

Good luck to all my readers!

To Know More...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers