Saturday, April 29, 2017

[Review] Botanic Health & Relief by Lynnity Malaysia


谢谢 Lynnity 让我在运动时,也同时维持我的身体健康哦!

Pure Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil(左图)
那我先介绍他们家的 Pure Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil 或者所谓的精油哦!当我打开时,它的薄荷香味到处芬芳,闻起来超级舒服,整个人都精神了~

是的,它拥有 10ml 的分量,不过它如何使用呢?

看到图中的 roller/滚轮吗?就是透过滚轮来按摩,给予你冷冷还有新鲜的感觉哦!用于:

- 紧崩的肌肉
- 非常疲累,慌张,紧张或者不舒服的自己

味道非常薄荷,闻起来超级舒服哦!给予安稳的心情,还有冰冰凉凉的哦~这个一定要放在包包里面呢!必需品 哈哈~

Botanic Health - Phyto Citrus Blend(右图)

包装里面拥有 15包,各 20gm 的分量哦!

- 让骨头更加强壮,减少骨骼疏松症
- 让关节保持健康,减少关节炎,就是所谓的 osteoarthritis
- 减少身体疼痛和发炎
- 让身体精力维持最高峰,也让精神充沛
- 减低高血压和胆固醇
- 高达97%全天然物质



- 孕妇必须经过医生的认同下,才可以服用
- 由于采用天然物质,所以每一包的颜色和味道稍微有一点点不一样
- 如果服用后有敏感,请停止使用


- Lithothamnion Seaweed
- Blue Green Algae
- Orthosiphon Stamineus
- Mangosteen

这些天然的植物,有效于抗氧化哦~我们人体经常因为压力,不够睡眠,不够营养而导致身体发炎,是一个非常不好的现象!要健康,当然要试试看 Lynnity 家的产品哦❤



我觉得有天然的香甜,要说像其他饮料那么甜,就没有啦,因为它是无糖保健品哦!非常适合男女老少服用。的确,服用了之后,觉得自己更有精力来运动了,做事都比较productive了呢!不过至于胆固醇,必须做验血才知道呢~ 呵呵,不过我非常推荐给有运动的朋友们服用哦,可以保护关节和骨头哦❤❤❤



Friday, April 28, 2017

[Review] SHAPE UP 超级丰胸膏

来,今天我跟大家分享最近很红的超级丰胸膏哦!听过SHAPE UP吗?它是刚刚在今年2017年头推出的哦~


因为现代的女人,都遇到了种种胸部问题哦!包括:胸部太大下垂,瘦身后下垂,产后下垂,外扩(外八),不集中,大小,平胸等等问题哦~ 除了饮食,吃多一点胶原蛋白,蛋白质食物,或者运动,丰胸效果非常有限呢😢 不过认识了 SHAPE UP之后,它不但可以慢慢帮你解决你的问题,也可以让你更加自信哦!❤



最理想的肯定是黄金比例,都是女人或者大家的梦想和目标,不是吗?包括我自己在内。那你现在清楚自己的胸型了吗? 知道了你的问题后,我们来第二步骤啦!

一起来了解 SHAPE UP 成分哦~

成分: 水,甘油,酒精代纳,小球藻,山竹果与山酮素,白羽扇豆蛋白发酵,莽吉柿皮提取物,梨基多尼亚籽提取物

它使用了 RAHN 把科学验证的系统整合到美妆产品。凭借其广泛的平台,RAHN美妆品能够满足广泛的客户需求,无论是在市场营销,科技,产品开发和产品安全方面。 




这产品都是用了 100% 的天然成分,无负效果(可是皮肤敏感者建议问过医生,告诉他们 SHAPE UP 里面的成分即可,如果他们说没问题,那你就可以放心使用哦~)

就是如何使用啦!谢谢我的团队,拥有那么棒和有效的教导,让我们目前的 100% 顾客都有效果哦!


第二个: SHAPE UP按摩法


那么透过 SHAPE UP 的按摩,你的胸部会产生一下:
  • 通过按摩仪激活乳腺组织。 
  • Season's Love Shape Up Beauty Cream 丰胸乳霜的活性成分, 通过乳腺组织为乳房直接吸收。 
  • 通过植物活性雌激素穿透并深入到乳房组织。
  • 增加血液循环,让乳腺腺体组织畅通,增强结缔组织。 
  • 诱发黄体激素激增和细胞分裂效应。 
  • 加强胶原蛋白组织,增强皮肤弹性和修复结缔组织。 

  • 诱导高水平的雌激素的激长 
  • 增加血液供应 
  • 雌激素模拟特性 
  • 缓解经前期症状再生皮肤组织 
  • 增加皮肤的滋润度 
  • 促进皮肤弹性和光滑度 
  • 提升下垂的乳房 
  • 防皮肤老化 
  • 对乳癌细胞生长有抑制效果 



YENNEE - 平胸问题

我是 YENNEE ~ 今年 23 岁 ~ 据我所知胸部保养很多女性其实都不在乎 ~ 当我遇到了 SHAPE UP 后 , 才知道胸小其实不一定是天生的 ~ 有时候可能是因为我们的饮食问题生活作息导致的 ~ SHAPE UP 的天然成分 和 方便的滚轮设计 配合 穴位按摩 ~ 刺激了 乳腺 + 血液循环 达到了 二次发育的效果 ~

JESSIE - 大小问题

我是 JESSIE , 今年27岁。好多女人都不太注重自己的胸部,不把它当一回事,所以存在着种种的问题。而只从我接触 SHAPE UP 之后, 我才看见原来自己的胸部也有问题,那就是胸部两边不一样,简称大小胸。我是透过shape up的滚轮设计加上针对性的按摩手法,激发胸部的经络穴位,另外我也有从内衣穿着方式,调整好胸型。

Jacqueline - 外扩,不集中

好吧,最后就是我自己, Jacqueline。不懂我的,其实我自己有胸部外扩和不集中问题。为什么呢?因为从小就没有穿对内衣,导致发育不良。胸部就有微微下垂,也外扩了,最后导致不集中。穿什么胸罩,衣服,还有最怕穿有露胸的礼服,最自卑的了。可是认识了 SHAPE UP,它不但改变了我人生,也让我更加有自信了。穿运动服装,紧身衣,甚至礼服,我都没在怕了。我不要求大胸,我只要求集中,立体,和丰满。心动吗?一起来Up Up哦!



Friday, April 21, 2017

[Review] Damascena Rose Cleansing Mousse by Aromacode

Introducing a new cleanser! Yayy after few months I've been busy for, finally I can take out a bit of time by sharing a really soft & nice smell cleanser for you all ❤

This is Damascena Rose Cleansing Mousse by [ARWIN] and [Biochem], a brand from Taiwan. This cleansing mousse really give the smell of light rose fragrant, which makes you really relax after cleansing your face.

[ARWIN] and [Biochem] is the brand from ARWIN Group. All these products are 100% made in Taiwan (MIT) include R&D, production, packaging, sales and delivery. This is to provide customer an authentic brand from Taiwan. They already maintain good quality reputation for 34 years, and let customers to enjoy the luxury skin care product from ARWIN/Biochem with affordable price.

Let see how amazing it works! Begins with my make up products challenge!😍😍😍

Yeah, normally I will apply all these make up products, let's see it can remove by Damascena Rose Cleansing Mousse or not 😁

How to use?
1. Just pump 2 pumps & u will get these much 😂

2. Give a gentle circulation motion over the make up area with the mousse.

3. Rinse it with water, until it is totally clean! Then you're DONE❤

Okay, this is my second time using mousse type of cleanser. And this mousse really give super soft and gentle bubbles onto my skin. You even will feel comfortable when applying onto your skin. 

This Damascena Rose Cleansing Mousse can be use as 2nd step - make up cleanser once you clean your make up with 1st step - Make Up Remover. So that you can confirm with your face is 100% free of make up products!

After feeling of this cleansing mousse, you won't have any tight or even dry up feeling. So yeah! I kinda like it ❤❤❤ I'm pretty sure that my skin can be free of make up, dirt & dust before I apply my daily skincare routine 💗

I was quite surprise when I wash my hand. I would like to say that it is removing 90-95% of my make up products!

Volume: 250ml
Grab buy 1 free 1 - HERE

More information:

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

[Review] SHIZENS - VISAGE Make Up Collection


今晚要介绍大家的产品是 SHIZENS 的最新 VISAGE Make Up Collection。之前我都爱使用他们家的自然唇彩,超好用的呢,因为它会随着你的嘴唇的颜色而变色哦~ 不过这次也有唇彩哦!期待期待~😍😍😍

SHIZENS 礼袋里包含了4样化妆品哦!我们一起来看看哦~😆

1. Natural Pore Nutrient Foundation PRO SPF 50
2. Hue-duo Eyeshadow - PINK
3. Aqua Eyeliner - BROWN
4. Smack Lips - ORANGE TANGO

在进入我们的话题,我也拍了短短的 SHIZENS - VISAGE Make Up Collection 的短短影片哦!


1. Natural Pore Nutrient Foundation PRO SPF 50

这个就是 SHIZENS 的 Make Up Base,清透,还有 100% talc-free呢~有效于减低皱纹也可以遮盖一些粗大的毛孔哦!



2. Hue-duo Eyeshadow - PINK




3. Aqua Eyeliner - BROWN

它类似 BB Cushion,在影片可以看到。它的底是海绵的,按压下去,液体就会出来!必须按压比较多,你才拿到更多液体~我第一次使用褐色的眼线,非常自然当然也非常喜欢啦~

4. Smack Lips - ORANGE TANGO




1. 现在,RM1503 的产品,你现在只需 RM199 你就可以获得!


- Smack Lips - Plum Wine
- Smack Lips - Orange Tango
- Aqua Eyeliner - Black
- Aqua Eyeliner - Brown
- Hue-Duo Eye Shadow - Mocha Glow
- Shizens Professional Brush Set (6 Brushes)

限期:1 March 2017 - 31 May 2017

2. 特别 CODE 给我的读者哦 - VISAGE01 👈👈👈

只要到以下的柜台,告诉他们这个特别的CODE,你就可以免费获得 Shizens 化妆服务哦!

- Shizens Pavilion Flagship Store
- Shizens Mid Valley
- Shizens One Utama
- Shizens Sunway Pyramid
- Shizens Gurney Plaza
- Shizens Genting Sky Avenue
- Shizens Isetan KLCC
- Shizens Isetan Garden
- Shizens Parkson KLCC
- Shizens Parkson Pavilion
- Shizens Sogo KL

3. VISAGE Collection roadshow 即将在 24 April 2017 - 30 April 2017 在 East Entrance Lobby, Mid Valley 举办哦~ 要试妆,要化妆,要购买的朋友们都不要错过哦!

4. VISAGE Challenge Contest

  • 只需到指定的 Roadshow,使用我们的特别 CODE,尝试VISAGE妆容
  • 自拍化妆后的自己
  • 把照片发到面子书 - 或者 wechat 即可哦!
  • 记得提交你的名字,IC号码,还有手机号码哦~



Wednesday, April 12, 2017

[Review] Neutrogena Deep Clean Series - MY FAVORITE?

Talking about Deep Clean Series by brand of Neutrogena, have you heard about it? It is my ALL-TIME Favorite Brand since I tried one of their product, BUT which one is it?

Our Neautrogena's Ambassador - Nicole Kidman! She seriously is one of the great & amazing lady that I ever know! So lets check this brand out & also which is my current favorite skincare from Neautrogena ❤

From left to right:
  1. Neutrogena Deep Clean Hydrating Cleansing Oil to Foam
  2. Neutrogena Deep Clean Blackhead Eliminating Daily Scrub
  3. Neutrogena Deep Clean Hydrating Foaming Cleanser
After trying out 3 of these Deep Clean Series, bet which one will be one of my favorite? Tell you all, my favorite products written in sequence indirectly after I tried all of them! 😍

FAVORITE 1 - Hydrating Cleansing Oil to Foam

Why I said this is my favorite product of Neautrogena? Because it is the most effective product I used to clean my make up without burden up my skin! I was kinda fed up & sad when I'm using liquid type of make up remover + cotton one, because u may need up to 5 pieces of facial cottons to make sure your make up is fully removed. Also, I don't like oil type of make up because the oil easily get into my eye & cause discomfort.

This Hydrating Cleansing Oil is specially made for dry skin, gives dual-transformation process (oil to foam). It is gentle on skin and easy to rinse off as well, leaving the skin feel clean & healthy. Oil gel contain Oleifera leaf extract to remove all the trace of day make up, dirt and oil in one wash. 

But after I tried this Neautrogena Hydrating Cleansing Oil to Foam, it really changed my mind & make up no longer HARD for me! I even introduced it to my buddies & they all love it too!

Let's check my blog post out & see how it works ya!

Step 1:
Pump an adequate amount of Cleansing Oil on your palm (3-4 pumps for me)

Step 2: 
Massage the cleansing oil onto your make up area, until all the make up dissolved.

Step 3: 
Pour a little bit of water on your palm & massage it together with the cleansing oil. It will turns the oil to foam! Seriously it really make my skin so clean even with super water resistant mascare! *BTW sorry for my scary + creepy face 😌😌😌*

Step 4: 
Cleanse your face with water! Remember to use clean towel because shower towel always full of bacteria, which will cause lots of acne after that 😈😈😈

I really can feel my face super fresh & smell so nice after washed with Neautrogena Deep Clean Hydrating Cleansing Oil to Foam! No eye or skin irritation, even removed on my sensitive area which is eye liner & mascara make up, just a simple step with few pumps & you're done!

Another thing, I don't feel skin tightness but I feel it is moist enough! Also, no acne problem on the next day too! Why normally got acne problem on the next day? This is because the leftover make up didn't remove up properly and I experience a lot of time previously. Definitely I will introduce to my friends & buddies, because make up ladies must have this magic weapon! 😁

FAVORITE 2: Blackhead Eliminating Daily Scrub (left)
FAVORITE 3: Hydrating Foaming Cleanser (right)

Price for Daily Scrub (100g): RM23.70
Price for Foaming Cleanser (100g): RM21.70

For both these 2 products, other than they're giving nice fragrance, they also can clean our face in free of dirts condition without causing any acne problem. 

Favorite 2 - Blackhead Eliminating Daily Scrub helps to eliminate blackheads effectively, prevents them from return, exfoliate & maintain flawless skin. It contain natural ingredients that helps to penetrates deep into pores to dissolve excessive oil to remove stubborn blackheads. Dermatologist tested, oil free hypoallergenic & non-comedogenic.

Favorite 3 - Hydrating Foaming Cleanser provides effective cleansing with almost 99% impurity removal & double the hydration power. It will makes our skin look clean & hydrated as well. You can use it for Day and Night! Dermatologist tested, nonedogenic and oil-free! 

Do let me know which one is your favorite ya! Any questions just comment below & I will do my best to reply all of you ya! ❤❤❤

More information:

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