I pakto with him for 3 years already. Couple - Break - Couple - Break - Couple --- Married?
Only God knows about it.
I will appreciate all the time with my dear dar dar - Vinc
I know, to maintain a relationship is so hard.
But he tried, he do everything, sacrifice everything just for me. Such a good MAN, where can i find in this world? :')
I should stop blaming him for the past.
Yeah, we didn't really celebrate it since we are pakto for so long already. And everyday is valentine day. :P
And u know what, HE GAIN WEIGHT WITH ME.
Feel so touch, no longer i felt myself very fat. T_______________________________T
Thanks, babe.
Thanks Vinc Ong for making my life so wonderful. All negative thing happen before let's all the past take it and let's see forward. :)
And we decided to celebrate it at Genting. I know he sayang me so much, but he never tell me. U know what? GUY really dunno how to express their loves to their lovers! :')
We went genting just for jalan-jalan. lol
Vinc said that such an expensive date. but he said worth it lah. :P
Let you all see this. This is different style taking by a guy and a girl.
Yeah, HIS style. :3
Tadaaaaa.. And this is my style. lol
We are still in learning process! Try to take all the pictures and put it in my blog. So that we can view it when we getting older. lol
Yeah, we went to casino as well. I like the new casino inside the indoor theme park. Since they said the design almost same with the design of Singapore casino. Isn't?
*too bad im having food poisoning on 21 April.*
Really home Genting Highland can provide a healthier food for us!
Look for the food shop give GRED A.
Then you are pretty fine.
OK, end this short post with my boy boy - Vinc! <3 p="">
Happy Reading!
Follow my instagram and twitter at JacJacKhoo for more updates ya! :)
*the surprise that i wanna give him still in pending!*
Stay tune!