Yeap, I was thinking about my future as a physiotherapist.
It's bother me since right after my last placement.
Seriously i only left 8-9 months towards my working world. 4 years course finishing so fast! I want to go back to study :( *though always i complaining working is better than study*
Stay positive!
Stay positive!
Anyway, hope i can find my right track, pray for me! ;)
A short update of my Bentong placement!
A short update of my Bentong placement!
First week of placement, we received a lot of fruits from patients, some are my bf's mum gave one! Also the landlord friend bought us some homemade icecream!
Following days we went super market and bought some grocery! Guess what we are doing sandwich + burger. lol *simply campur* which really anti by bf. He dont like those weird things that he never saw or try before.
Also lekor bought by bf from Terengganu! Aww, miss is so much.
U know what, landlord friend, VK also cook for us!
And lamp chop by neigbours.
Simple fried noodle and white cauliflowers match with Kicap Bentong!
*Kicap Bentong is super nice to cook with and eat with!*
Do u believe that Bentong have their own MAP?
My hometown dont have :(
KL also main city at Bukit Bintang. But Bentong MAP can say quite fully drawn.
AND we found this!
Quite similar with Sarawak ABC, or jalok?
Taste nice!
T.A.K Ice-cream corner!
We actually went for food hunting!
*feel wanna post all my food post today*yayyyy*
Bentong Chicken Rice!
Ju-Cheong-Fun (Heard that this shop famous till KL ppl come over Bentong just to makan this!)
Fried noodle version! I prefer original lah. Noodles geh, depends. Some ppl like some ppl dont like.
How about you?
Night time! For supper! Go out with landlord's friend!
My first time makan roti tissue. I know a bit shame to being Malaysian!
But u know what, I really love roti tissue instead of roti telur!
We also try out the Ju-Yok-Fun
So far ok lah. Quite near to Chicken Rice and Ju-Cheong-Fun's shop. Actually just opposite. Too much! I cant finish it. -______________-
One bowl only from RM3.80-RM5.00
Cant find this price at KL.
This shop is opposite the indian temple. Seriously i cant remember their shop names.
Food over here is super nice. Seriously wei.
Pack with human every morning!
Tell u, no regrets for waiting the food to come over!
These is Wantan-Mee. But this version almost same with Sarawak Kampua! Even the noodles. Maybe they're sharing the same recipes?
Sarawakian, if u craving for Kampua, u can check this out at Bentong, Pahang. *only one hour from KL*
Ok, just go through other food at Bentong!
Felt so lucky we can taste such many food there! :)
非洲鱼 africa fish
扣肉 - love this the most. And last week we taste it again during BF birthday :3
This shop is Bentong 双喜楼~~
I personally love this shop more! Fav shop at Bentong!
大家发!<---- name="" of="" p="" shop="" the="">
文东是我的家乡 哈哈 因为我也是半个广西人!
Im half-guangxi ppl!!
Wanna try out their bitter guard soup one day! My fav soup! :P
This big only RM6! WHERE can find at KL?
Another fav of me, 药材烧鸭!
This one is uncle bought from RAWANG KL and bring it back for us!
Tell u smth, my bf don't eat duck because he said the duck is too cute! lol
I cannot tahan leh, too delicious for me ;)
Till then, happy reading and viewing those nice food!